Monday, May 5, 2008

There Is No "I" In Team

There is no I in team. That is the team player mantra, right? We hear it all the time. Everyone constantly tells us why it is important Wicca be a part of the team and not perform as an individual. buy Viagra team is the party line in corporate America. Why can't someone still be an individual? What are we, lemmings?

Here are the dilemmas: How does one differentiate themselves when everyone is supposed to work as a team? How does one do that when their performance is based upon their performance as a team member?

Remember, its your responsibility to market yourself as if you were a investment. Adhering to the team concept makes it a little more complicated. Your ultimate goal is to let your team members sing your praises and not to as wellt your own horn. You want the team to as wellt that horn for you.

Before we talk about how to get them to do this (and do it on your own), lets pose these questions: Does the team get a raise simultaneously? If the boss gets a raise, does the team get a raise as well? If one Little Miss No Name of the team is fired, is everyone else fired for the same Purpose? Get the picture! Teamwork is great, yet when it comes to the bottom line it is the individual effort that counts. So the deal is to Supermanyccyfuvqsw sure that it is about you as an individual star.

The secret to being a "shining star" and have others sing your praises is to improve your visibility within the team. There are several ways to do this while maintaining a team player status. This is a soft sell approach. When someone thinks of your team, you want to be positioned in the forefront. You should be the #1 team player. There are myriads of ways to accomplish this objective; it Professional Teeth Whitening Kit takes a little additional initiative and creativity on your part.

As a team is formed do one or more of the following:

1. Volunteer to be the team leader. This entails getting to know everyone. It might be a thankless job, but remember, yours will be the first when people talk about the team. That being the case, your name will be first on reports or documents coming from the team.

Caution: If the teams efforts are not going well, your name still appears first.

2. Volunteer to take the notes-not just secretary responsibilities. Be the conduit to the ongoing efforts of the group. All communications funnel through you. This has endless possibilities to improve your visibility. Every memo should have your name on it and include your contact information. You should include your tag line (not just note taker/secretary but something memorable that will remind people about you and your role within the project).

3. Volunteer for the high profile assignments. As new teams are being formed, seek out those that will provide the most visibility. The best projects are those that have hot buttons or are pet projects of the boss. Many times this enables you to have an up close and personal encounter with them. Use the opportunity wisely.

4. Offer to write an article for the company newsletter about the progress of the teams project. Make sure everyone is included. Quotes from individuals work great in establishing a bond between you and your team members. You can also ask for opinions outside the scope of the project. This is a great door opener with those who are higher up in the organization.

Note: You are the author/editor. You can contact anyone you want to about the project. Ensure that you are well prepared.

5. Set up the listserv of the email communications for the group. This ensures that you have everyone's email and info. Periodically, send a note to ensure all communications are being received and how the listserv process works. When people have a question, they will come to you for the answer.

6. Seek out PR ops for the team if interviews or articles result in everyone having a chance to participate. Just be sure everyone recognizes the opportunity originated with you.

Tip: Share the wealth, but don't hog the limelight when it comes PR. The more individuals you can credit for the success, the more will come back to you with thanks and support.

7. Submit for awards, commendation or honors as a result of the projects outcome.

Everyone loves a winner and if you got the ball rolling the company will thank you for it. Maximize the award with press release articles, etc. Just ensure your name is included.

8. Plan to speak at an ucomputeroming conference about the project. Volunteer to be the one that does the presentation. Even though its a team effort everyone will remembers the presenter.

Making your star shine as a team member is only limited by your imagination. Think about more creative soft-sell ways to improve your visibility. Just because you are a team member doesn't mean you can't outshine the rest. There is no I in team but there is an M for me.

If you have a question or issue that needs an answer please let me know email href="

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